1. Choose the Page Size is 8.5x11" or 8.5x14" depend on the size of your papper
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  1. If you are printing the template on the page 8.5x11" so you will need export with Page Size is '8.5x11"'

You can find your purchased listings from the page https://www.bobotemp.com/customer/listings

If you dont see any items that you purchased there, please sign out and sign in again. You can use the info below to access your puchased listings if you not yet updated your profile.

Email: (your paypal email)

Password: (Paypal Transaction ID)

Your purchased items shall be expired after 9 months so if you dont see it in the page https://www.bobotemp.com/customer/listings, please try sign out and sign in again.
Now we are limitting the amount download to 8 times to avoid someone attacking my website or use it for other people. If you are not in these cases, you just need send a message to support@bobotemp.com to reset it.
  1. Tap on the article to open it in your Safari Browser just like any other normal web page Once you have the article opened, Click on the Share button at the bottom of the browser window.
  2. Next, scroll right on the actions available and locate ‘Save to Files’